Imagine that a politician says in a debate, "I just can't wrap my mind around my opponent's plan. He seems to be bundling it with other ideas in a way that most Americans can't really grasp. But I have a plan that I think I can get through to anyone." What concept is best illustrated here?

Imagine that a politician says in a debate, "I just can't wrap my mind around my opponent's plan. He seems to be bundling it with other ideas in a way that most Americans can't really grasp. But I have a plan that I think I can get through to anyone." What concept is best illustrated here?

a. Soundness of reasoning
b. Straw person fallacy
c. Gorgias's use of Sophistic techniques
d. A balance between form and information in order to make a point
e. How metaphor influences everyday speech and thought

Answer: E

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